Friday, February 1, 2013

January 29, 1985

That's the day that started it all...well, not technically, but we'll just focus on that day for now!  Here we are, 28 years later.  I'm sitting down reflecting on where the Lord has brought me...from a sweet, shy girl to a fun, adventurous woman who walks in the freedom of Christ.  The Lord has taught me tons, and continues to nudge at me daily, about what the freedom of Christ looks like in my own life. 

With the genius ideas of my friend, Alison Holcomb, and the crazy spunk of a man named Bob Goff who wrote the book Love Does (y'all have to go buy it today and read it!  so inspiring!!), I've created a "Birthday List."  It's 28 things I want to do before I turn 29.  Some are crazy.  Some are simple.  But all of them have caused me to seek adventure and life to the full.  My desire is to create memories in my life with the people around me.  I want to look back on these memories 5, 10, and 50 years from now and think, "wow...I saw Jesus in that moment."

I'm really not a big blogger, but I thought it would be awesome to document each of my 28 adventures and share the stories about life, laughter, cannonballs (and of course, I'm drinking some right now).  Cannonballs, you ask?  Bob Goff is ALL about the cannonballs.  God doesn't call us to stick our big toe into the sea of our life and just test the waters.  He says to get a running start and do the BIGGEST cannonball we can ever imagine.  Splash it UP!  Y'all...I want my life to be one big the adventures I take, in the way that I love people and in the way that I seek the Lord.        

I hope you'll follow me on my journey as I knock off every item on my 28 before 29 list.  Read through my list and let me know if you'd like to join me on any of these adventures!  I'd love to share them with anyone!!